NEMESIS: NEurological MEchanismS of Injury, and Sleep-like cellular dynamics (2023-2027)

NEMESIS: NEurological MEchanismS of Injury, and Sleep-like cellular dynamics (2023-2027)

NEMESIS will first characterize the effects of focal injury at multiple spatial and temporal scales (from whole brain to local circuits). Through the combination of observational (e.g., fMRI, EEG, calcium imaging, LFPs) and causal methods (e.g., electro-magnetic stimulation, optogenetics) NEMESIS will test the hypothesis that disconnected networks lie in a “sleep-like state” that impairs communication. Thirdly, NEMESIS will create whole brain models of structure/function to predict the effect of individual lesions and simulate novel stimulation protocols aimed at “re-awakening” the disconnected brain.

Funding Programme: European Research Council (ERC) 

Instrument: ERC Synergy Grant

Role: Partner

Dates: 2023-2027

Investigadors principals

DECO, Gustavo